home alone

Out-of-Context Posters #16: Home Alone (1990)

I often wonder how many household accidents plague the families of Home Alone viewing victims. Being myself the perfect age demographic when the film first came...

The Curse of AT&T

I have always done my AT&T phone purchases in a store but when it came time to finally upgrade my Samsung Galaxy S4, I decided...

The UFO Welcome Center

Travelling through the West, there are many iconic extra-terrestrial and UFO landmarks, from the Little A'Le'Inn just outside Area 51, Nevada... ...to the International UFO Museum...

The Desserty Dozen and the Kale Curse

The comic tragedies of kale-flavored "temptress" doughnuts, a dozen premium "yum yums," and the menu pricing from a sugary hell.

Robot Trump Wants to Make Disney World Happy Again

Donald Trump will soon be starring in a Disney World attraction. Which makes me wonder: What would robotic Trump's speech be like...
Store Stories

Store Stories 3

Store Stories returns! What would happen if one of the letters on a store front burnt out or went missing? Even worse, what if due to that missing letter, the sign spelled something completely different?
walt disney

Meryl Streep vs. Walt Disney

I wish I was just reporting on the latest "Epic Rap Battles of History" YouTube video but, alas, real life can sometimes be far...

Hilarity by Default’s “How It Could Have Ended” 2016

2016 is at an end and while many may not look fondly back at this year, I'd like to leave it on an optimistic...

Other Default Stories


Deleted Disney: Is “Proud of Your Boy” ALADDIN’S Most Tragic Cut?

ALADDIN's "Proud of Your Boy" stands as one of the most heartbreaking deleted Disney songs but would it have fit in the final film that we got?
Mail Order Brides Briscovideo

“Mail Order Brides” 1×14 | Brisco County Jr. Reviews

While tracking down the insipid Swill Brothers, Brisco and Bowler rescue Episode 14’s titular “Mail Order Brides” from a runaway carriage.
Steve Martin ALADDINvideo

Steve Martin as the Genie in ALADDIN (1992)?

Would Steve Martin have played a good Genie of the Lamp in Disney's animated smash hit ALADDIN (1992)? How would he have compared to Robin Williams?
Land Sand Mary Poppinsvideo

Deleted Disney: “Land of Sand” – The MARY POPPINS JUNGLE BOOK Song?

Default Assault takes a look at "Land of Sand" from a proposed MARY POPPINS Magic Compass sequence - a song which would later end up in THE JUNGLE BOOK.
Steel Horses Brisco Countyvideo

“Steel Horses” 1×13 | Brisco County Jr. Reviews

Socrates’ job is put on the line after four “motored cycles” are stolen by a gang of bandits in BRISCO COUNTY Episode 13, “Steel Horses.”
Christina Ricci INTERVIEW VAMPIREvideo


Would Christina Ricci have played a good Claudia in Anne Rice's INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE: THE VAMPIRE CHRONICLES (1994) in lieu of Kirsten Dunst?

SALUDOS AMIGOS vs. THE THREE CABALLEROS – Donald Duck’s Latin Showdown

It's time for Donald Duck's Latin American showdown - SALUDOS AMIGOS vs. THE THREE CABALLEROS. Produced as part of the U.S.'s Good Neighbor Policy...
Crystal Hawks Brisco Countyvideo

“Crystal Hawks” 1×12 | Brisco County Jr. Reviews

Brisco County Jr. finds himself wanted for murder in Episode 12, "Crystal Hawks." Desperately trying to clear his name, Brisco has to contend with...

Is THE THREE CABALLEROS (1944) Disney’s Trippiest Movie?

Flying donkeys, half woman/half horse hybrids, dancing men that turn into cockfighting roosters, and the birth of Jesus! It can only be THE THREE CABALLEROS
Heart of Dixie Briscovideo

“Deep in the Heart of Dixie” 1×11 | Brisco County Jr. Reviews

The chase is on “Deep in the Heart of Dixie!” Episode 11 finds Brisco’s on-and-off again flame Dixie Cousins in possession of an incriminating record...