Hilarious by Default

Adventures in pure randomness and utter insanity. Mostly devoid of cat videos.

The Uber Apocalypse – Part II

As I mentioned yesterday, I have mostly found Uber drivers to be an extroverted bunch, many times dolling out conversation beyond the typical topics...

Speech-to-Text Distress

Speech-to-text has been a good tool especially for those who like to send text messages hands-free while driving. Personally, I could never truly justify...

The Cornhole Conundrum

Every job has its own set of specific quirks yet, in my experience, nothing has come close to the fanatical cornhole mania that possessed a travel job...

The Great Chicken Massacre of 2016

One of the best things about living in upstate New York is the quality of chicken wings. Hot, mild, sweet, spicy, garlicy, even aphrodisiac-ly, when you...

Hilarity by Default’s “How It Could Have Ended” 2016

2016 is at an end and while many may not look fondly back at this year, I'd like to leave it on an optimistic...

What’s the Worst State to Drive In?

Driving into work yesterday morning, I was struck by a series of events that gave me flashbacks to some of the craziest road experiences...

How FROZEN Ruined My COCO Screening

My two different attempts to see Disney-Pixar's COCO and how FROZEN inadvertently ruined both of them. From scary Olaf fanboys to flying Elsa projectiles...

Inside the Default Studio

For years, one of my favorite television shows was Inside the Actor's Studio. Unlike most brief, and many times obviously scripted, appearances on talk...

The Dumbest Thing I Ever Heard at Disney World

As far as childhood memories go, few are fonder than those first trips to Walt Disney World - trips that usually featured preludes of...

Hilarity by Default’s Top 13 Funny Photoshops of 2016

One of my great joys of writing articles and reviews on Hilarity by Default are the many Photoshops I put together to either get...

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