
Speech-to-Text Distress

Speech-to-text has been a good tool especially for those who like to send text messages hands-free while driving. Personally, I could never truly justify...

Out-of-Context Posters #30: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Rogue One's Out-of-Context Poster shows off a perfect example of an advertising money shot if I ever saw one! The Star Wars prequel fans didn’t really...

Out-of-Context Posters #13: Rio (2011)

After seeing the trailer for 2011's animated Rio, I have to admit that I had little interest in seeing it. The Caribbean Happy Feet with parrots was...

Out-of-Context Posters #22: Splash (1984)

Splash, an 80's movie about a little mermaid falling in love with a human - how was this not released under the Disney label? We may have that answer...
Old Yeller

Out-of-Context Posters #23: Old Yeller (1957)

Ah, Old Yeller - the cinematic bane and jewel of dog lovers the world over. This week's Out-of-Context Poster takes a far more literal approach to...
Wireless Retail

The Top Ten Dumbest Things I Ever Heard in Wireless Retail

There are few jobs more maniacally frustrating than retail - especially in the wireless industry! Acquainting millions of employees to new, wondrous...
Indiana Jones

Out-of-Context Posters #28: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

If I, like Indiana Jones, was ever trapped in a place nicknamed the "Temple of Doom," I think this would be the exact expression...

What If Disney Renamed Its Classics to Be Like Frozen and Tangled?

With Disney renaming the tales of "Rapunzel" and "The Snow Queen" to Tangled and Frozen I have to wonder: what if they did this to the classic Disney films?
Lebron James

Why Lebron James is like Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard

Kickass leaders that push their teams to victory against overwhelming odds - how the NBA giant Lebron James is like Mass Effect's Commander Shepard!

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