
Alien: Covenant (2017)

Ridley Scott and his pal, the xenomorph, return for another crack at the series in ALIEN: COVENANT - an unbalanced hybrid of the original ALIEN and...

The House (2017)

THE HOUSE. I could easily make any number of house puns here but that would require a long 30-second effort - easily more effort than anything in the film.
Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange (2016)

Everyone is likely going to compare Doctor Strange (the 14th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) to three other films: Inception (2010), Batman Begins (2005), and the MCU's...
You Only Live Twice

007 on the 7th: You Only Live Twice (1967)

From ninja armies and aerial helicopter battles to outer space intrigue, You Only Live Twice is the first truly grandiose Bond film - for better & worse...
La La Land

La La Land (2016)

With 2016 providing many ups and downs in the film industry and beyond, it comes as an unexpected treat (or salvation) that the last...

The Guns of Navarone (1961)

Set in prologue against the ancient Greek stage, land of myths, demigods, and heroes, The Guns of Navarone honors the forging of new legends - not those of gods and titans but of ordinary men and women....

The Circle (2017)

At the beginning of THE CIRCLE, Emma Watson's character is asked what she is most scared of. Her answer: "unfulfilled potential." No two words could best...
No Escape

No Escape (2015)

No Escape is a relentless tale of survival that plays it more old-school than safe. Drawing on suspense in place of over-the-top CGI effects,...

Baby Driver (2017)

BABY DRIVER is the welcome reprieve to a year full of remakes, reboots, reimaginings, sequels, trilogy-cappers, and other CGI-laden crap.
Star Trek Beyond

Star Trek Beyond (2016)

Just in the nick of time for the 50th anniversary of the franchise, Star Trek Beyond, the 13th entry in the Trek film series (and the third in the recent...

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