Working Girl (1988)

The first thing one notices when looking at Mike Nichols' Working Girl is its incredible cast. After all, it's a film that features Indiana Jones...

Inferno (2016)

Watching Tom Hanks traverse Dante's layers of hell in Inferno I suddenly realized that my tolerance for The Da Vinci Code franchise has become as short...

Baby Driver (2017)

BABY DRIVER is the welcome reprieve to a year full of remakes, reboots, reimaginings, sequels, trilogy-cappers, and other CGI-laden crap.

The Walk (2015)

The Walk begins like a fantasy, unfolding its mesmerizing true story much like the magic tricks Philippe Petit displays throughout the picture. Robert Zemeckis...

Kong: Skull Island (2017)

Heavily inspired by Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, Kong: Skull Island is a hackneyed journey into the heart of mediocrity with enough fiery...

Dunkirk (2017)

DUNKIRK is a visceral plunge into the terror of war - claustrophobic, breathless, and unyielding in depiction. It violently pulls its audience onto the...
Hitman's Bodyguard

The Hitman’s Bodyguard (2017)

THE HITMAN'S BODYGUARD is a fun but flawed matinee pleaser that achieves the often dodgy key to a successful buddy comedy: decent chemistry.
blade runner

Blade Runner (1982)

With the sequel due out tomorrow, we take a look at 1982's original BLADE RUNNER starring Harrison Ford. Is it really the masterpiece many claim it is?
Rogue One

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Rogue One, the eighth entry in the live-action Star Wars feature series, and the first stand-alone anthology "Star Wars Story," is the prequel fans didn't...
Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Seven (2016)

The Magnificent Seven ride again proving the old axiom that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. The umpteenth retread of the excellent Seven Samurai (1954) and itself a direct...

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