Some quick Spring updates for you guys. We’re working on some technical improvements to the site as well as the introduction of new features which include the roll out of a new commenting system!

Since some of these changes may affect the way some of our new posts are displayed, this week’s features – Default Disney, Out-of-Context Posters, and 007 on the 7th – will be moved to next week (007 on the 17th, and so on). However, I’m not going to leave you all high and dry! You can expect new episodes of Default Assault and Default Assault Extras along with our Friday review of the original Alien!

As a thank you, enjoy this picture of the one and only Grace Kelly! Oh, it also happens to be my Name Day today. What’s a Name Day, you ask? It’s a special occasion when the whole world celebrates the omnipotent, awesome power of anyone who bears the name “Demosthenes!” Naturally, I expect presents. Cash donations and back massages are also acceptable. Comments below are passable too, I guess…

I am a writer, video producer, and avid film buff. I've also been pegged by a few as the second coming of the Messiah although I don't believe it. Just to be on the safe side, however, I am willing to accept your prayers and any monetary contributions you are willing to part with. Especially automobiles. Yes, automobiles will suffice.

