Batman Forevervideo

BATMAN FOREVER: What Really Went Wrong

What's the real underlying flaw behind Joel Schumacher's debut Batman film - Batman Forever? Perhaps the most debated of the original Bat series, it's a film that is loved and/or hated by Dark Knight fans for wildly different reasons.
James Bond Diesvideo

James Bond Dies #9

007 (Roger Moore) channels Tarzan with disastrous results in James Bond Dies #9 - a series where we ask the question, "What would happen if James Bond had the worst luck in the world?"
Default Assaultvideo

Default Assault Out of Context

Default Assault celebrates its one-year anniversary with a crazy look at some of our favorite clips from the past year out of context and hilarious by default!
Tom Brady

Tom Brady is Wolverine

Is Tom Brady the Wolverine of the NFL? Our Sports Guide to Nerd Culture has the shocking answer - especially for Captain America fans...
James Bond Diesvideo

James Bond Dies #8

007 (Roger Moore) attempts to run atop a row of crocodiles in James Bond Dies #8 - a series where we ask the question, "What would happen if James Bond had the worst luck in the world?"
sega vs nintendovideo

Sega vs Nintendo Music

Sega vs Nintendo - the infamous Console War of the 80's & 90's has sparked much fury between video game fans debating both systems' various games and tech...but what about the music?
James Bond Diesvideo

James Bond Dies #7

007 (Timothy Dalton) goes down fast in James Bond Dies #7 - a series where we ask the question, "What would happen if James Bond had the worst luck in the world?"
black panthervideo

The Ups and Downs of BLACK PANTHER

Marvel's BLACK PANTHER is finally out! Does it live up to the hype? Default Assault dissects the Ups and Downs, the controversies, and the themes behind the 18th entry in the MCU!
be preparedvideo

Live-Action THE LION KING Cutting “Be Prepared”?

Elton John just revealed that they're cutting "Be Prepared" from 2019's upcoming live-action remake of Disney's THE LION KING. Default Assault breaks down the facts!
Nerd Culture

The Sports Fan’s Guide to Nerd Culture Series

Bridging the gap between nerd culture and sports to achieve harmony in breakrooms and watering holes around the world!