sega vs nintendovideo

Sega vs Nintendo Music

Sega vs Nintendo - the infamous Console War of the 80's & 90's has sparked much fury between video game fans debating both systems' various games and tech...but what about the music?
Mega Man 2

reTROview: Mega Man 2 (Capcom, 1988)

Grab your blue helmet and strap on your Mega Buster, it’s time for reTROviews’ first sequel, Mega Man 2! In what would become the...

reTROview: Metroid (Nintendo, 1986)

In space no one can hear you scream, but this isn’t space and your neighbors can. When you do, they tend to become very...

reTROview: Ninja Gaiden (Tecmo, 1988)

Out of the way Joe Musashi! One side Grey Fox! Crawl back under your rock Goemon! It’s time to make way for the most...

reTROview: Castlevania (Konami, 1986)

Castlevania - the name alone conjures up thoughts of ancient castles, dark tombs, classical monsters, complicated puzzles, meat hidden behind stone walls, and mind...

reTROview: Mega Man (1987, Capcom)

While Mario and Link might be some of the most memorable characters from the olden days of Nintendo, there is another character that had...

Other Default Stories

Deleted Disney: Is “Proud of Your Boy” ALADDIN’S Most Tragic Cut?

ALADDIN's "Proud of Your Boy" stands as one of the most heartbreaking deleted Disney songs but would it have fit in the final film that we got?